Athlunkard Boat

5th and 6th class took a trip to Athlunkard Boat Club where they received a tour of the club and learned how to use the rowing machines. The children took part in 100m sprints and 2k team relay races.


All classes were treated to yoga sessions with Ms. Sadlier. Ms. Sadlier taught the children different yoga poses, stretches and breathing techniques. Yoga offers physical and mental health benefits for people of all ages.

Active Breaks

The children enjoyed active breaks throughout the school day. Classes took part in Joe Wix exercises, active yoga in the classroom and Go Noodle dances.

Whole School Walks

On Monday morning the whole school took off together for a walk through Limerick City. Each class enjoyed the fresh air and completed the bridges walk.

Kickboxing with Ms. Kiely

Our very own World Champion Kickboxer Ms. Kiely put the children through their paces in some kickboxing sessions.


Coach Calla from Treaty United took each class for a training session during Active Schools Week. The children took part in different soccer drills.

Older classes also took par in a lunch time soccer tournament.


The whole school took part in a fun filled day of Athletics to finish off sports week. There was obstacles, races and team challenges for the children to complete.