St. Mary’s National School
St. Mary’s National School
Welcome to St. Mary’s National School Limerick.

A Message from the Principal
I would like to welcome everyone to our school’s website and I hope that it will provide a window to the energy, dynamism and vibrancy of our unique school community. St Mary’s National School has a long and proud tradition serving the communities of St Mary’s Parish and its environs since the late 1800s (St Mary’s Infant Boys’ School).
Ours is a school that offers an excellent learning environment for all our students, an environment that is further enhanced by our healthy and active extra-curricular programme. Our vision for the education of our students is to empower every child to take ownership of their own learning. Our teachers are highly trained, work hard and have high expectations. It is an honour for me to work among them.
We pride ourselves on providing a quality education in a safe, caring and happy environment where students can flourish and achieve their full potential in keeping with our mission statement, “to provide a warm, caring and safe environment for our pupils. We take each child from where he/she is so they can develop to their full potential and grow in the knowledge that they are valued. We aim to promote positive learning experiences, knowledge and training for each child”.
Our school educates children of all abilities to the highest standard across a range of subject disciplines and additional areas of learning. We mean to do this by setting high standards, recognising success and rewarding contribution. As you browse through our webpage you will read the wonderful stories of our achievements in sport and the arts. Our students have achieved successes in a variety of different areas. We have an active student council, whose input we value greatly.
Here at St Mary’s National School we celebrate all achievements with our children. Parental involvement is an essential and appreciated part of our school. Parents are represented on the Board of Management and we have a very welcoming approach for parents. They are always welcome on our school grounds. We work in partnership with our parents to fulfil the educational expectations of the school community. Whether you are a member of our school community or simply ‘dropping by’ on our website we hope you enjoy the experience of getting to know our school a little better.

Latest news
We are delighted to announce that St Mary's NS has […]